This issue comes in a much shorter time after the previous one as many of you have indicated preferences of shorter and more frequent issues and your wishes are always of the utmost importance to me!
As usual, crypto folks like to argue and ban each other on Twitter. Most recently, this was the case also with Vlad Zamfir and Nick Szabo after their disagreement on blockchain governance. Here is Vlad’s view, and here is an contra-argument defending Szabo’s view. Here comes handy a niece piece on the failure of crypto tribalism.
Does anyone remember the CryptoPunks? The first crypto-collectible out there? Honestly, it is still my favourite. Check the story behind it.
Hope you stick to your New Year’s weight and trading resolutions better than Steven!

– Aaron van Wirdum is doing great job explaining Taproot
– Bitfury launches a suite of business products for Lightning Network
– Great update on the current Lightning Network ecosystem
– The Evolution of Bitcoin key management climaxing with seedless multisigs
– Neutrino protocol explained
– Breaking down Bitcoin sublayers
-Year 2018 in Ethereum ecosystem
– Cofounder of Hyperledger praising Ethereum
– So how do they compare against each other?
– Serenity design rationale explained
– Clarifying Casper, Beacon chains and PoS
– Constantine Upgrade delayed because of security vulnerabilities
– Loom becomes interoperable with Cosmos
– Loom sidechains can also solve Ethereum’s scalability issues
– Ethereum staking projections
– Explaining Raiden network
– Joe Lubin on the latest Epicenter interview
– Concerns related to DAI scalability
– Zilliqa is launching mainnet
– Jimmy Song explains Grin
– Fundamental analysis one of the oldest masternode coins — Monetary Unit.
– Competitive implementation of Mimble Wimble — Beam — had a critical bug — but no worries all is fixed by now.
– Former Bittorent Exec sceptical against Tron network functionality
– New video series on beloved privacy coin — Breaking Monero
Blockchain Tech & Trends:
-Dapp report for 2018
– What is the missing piece of Decentralised Finance (DeFi)?
– DeFi and Security token predictions for 2019
– Production Blockchains for consortia by Kaleido
– Nasdaq-powered exchange launching in Europe tokenized stock trading
– Deep dive into Neufund platform — STO pioneer in Europe
International Blockchain Olympiad will be held this year in Hong Kong and organizers are calling out for student teams to sign up! Hit me up if you’re interested.
Quality reward for quality readers:
I know you all are very curious minds that love to learn — now you can learn from the best! All my readers have 10% discount on all courses on the world’s best educational platform on blockchain courses for developers as well as business professionals — just use code “David10”on Blockgeeks! Enjoy and have fun!
Also, in case you want 20% off for your new Trezor — use this link!
I will be always happy to read your feedback, and suggestions on possible topics to include to the newsletter. If you would like to share some with me, please do so at
In case you want to show me some crypto love:
BTC: 3M5bzL8GDhDJoJ2RoRFcza917L1tEcPp3P
ETH: 0x62cE83a2C24686957d769bFd940B69ff568E760A
LTC: MVrjVKmQ5sGoMHJ1Np8Q2YEqWMCqkuu1yz
PIVX: DMJxf4ce3Le4qUyDVSA5TS2CRwFuatec75
DASH: XpQCnerF4wq1fQk9FVCjKE22juyYgqUMUo